速報APP / 醫療 / Veterinary iConsult

Veterinary iConsult



檔案大小:90.6 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 8.0 或以上版本。與 iPad 相容。


Veterinary iConsult(圖1)-速報App

The iConsult application is a veterinary application designed for use in the consultation room AND reception, but that's not all. You can also use it to target market your clients using the e-books within the ap, use it as a tool to win over new clients and convert phone shoppers too!

Do you want your clients to view your practice as innovative with a high standard of client care?

Do you want your clients to leave your consultation feeling completely satisfied with the level of information received?

Do you want your clients to be able to go home and correctly educate other family members about their pet's health requirements?

Do you want to STOP your clients from Googling their pets condition when they leave your consultation room?

Do you want to see an increase in patient compliance and willingness to accept your recommendations?

Veterinary iConsult(圖2)-速報App

Do you want a powerful tool to convert phone shoppers and attract more new clients?

If you said 'YES' to any of the above, then you'll love the iConsult. It delivers all of these things and more.

Increase compliance

Your clients need to be comfortable with your diagnosis to accept your treatment plan! If you can't educate your clients effectively, you're in trouble. The iConsult helps you to achieve a comfortable 'Yes, please proceed' from your client.

Convert phone shoppers

Need a powerful way to attract phone shoppers to choose your practice without dropping prices? The iConsult will help you! When you purchase the iConsult we'll fill you in on a secret with how to get more clients calling you back to make an appointment for their pets surgical procedure or appointment.

Veterinary iConsult(圖3)-速報App

Educate your client effectively

Clients retain just 20% of what you tell them during a consultation. Don't believe me? Have you heard a client say 'I wasn't told that' when you absolutely 100% know you told them? It's even written in your history but they swear they weren't told! Or perhaps you've overheard a client on the phone after a consultation telling their spouse wrong information about their pet not even 5 minutes after they left the consult room? The iConsult will make sure your client understands more and they can go home and 'refresh their memory' with the e-book you will send free of charge straight from the iPad in 3 seconds.

Increase value to your services

Are you still trying to explain a surgical procedure to your client using hand gestures or by stick drawings? Really? You want a client to say 'Yes' to a $3,000 TTA procedure with charades? With so much competition in the veterinary industry, you can't afford for a client to go for a second opinion or Dr Google themselves out of the procedure altogether. The iConsult will effectively and professionally help you educate your clients. There will be no need for Dr Google or second opinions.

Staff training & consistency

Have all vets in your practice use the iConsult during every consult and send e-books. If you do, it doesn't matter if your veterinarian has been out of university for 2 years or 10 years, the client will receive the same level of information. The iConsult will bring all of your vets to the same standard. It's also a great training tool for nurses!

Retain clients

Veterinary iConsult(圖4)-速報App

It's amazing how many clients will seek out a new vet because they 'just weren't happy' with their last vet. Why weren't they happy? Most of the time it's because the delivery of information by the veterinarian did not meet their expectations. Can you afford to lose clients? The iConsult helps you keep them.

Veterinary iConsult(圖5)-速報App
